Setting Up R

Personal notes for installing R for Windows

  1. R for windows in C:\
  2. Rtools in C:\
  3. Rstudio in C:\
  4. Add paths to $PATH
    • Right click start button on taskbar
    • Click “System”
    • Click “Advanced System Settings”
    • Click “Environment Variables”
    • In “System Variables” window, double click “Path”
    • Add the following paths:
      • C:\R\R-x.x\
      • C:\R\R-x.x\bin\
      • C:\rtools42
  5. Install some R packages (copy paste each line in the R console)
install.packages(c("devtools", "ggplot2", "plotly", "shiny", "tinytex",
"reticulate", "gt", "ggExtra", "kableExtra", "ggpmisc", "gggrid", "ggraph",
"gginnards", "gganimate", "ggforce", "ggtext", "ggtext", "ggthemes",
"gifski", "cowplot", "svglite", "tidyverse", "rJava", "reshape2", "magick",
"knitr", "writexl", "gapminder", "titrationCurves", "gcookbook", "webchem",
"leaflet", "Cairo", "av", "flexdashboard", "ggmap", "leaflet", "shinydashboard",
"rsconnect", "shinydashboardPlus", "rgl", "rglplus", "rglwidget", "Rpolyhedra",
"mapproj", "scico", "patchwork", "viridis", "imager", "EnvStats", "shinythemes",
"usmap", "maps","spData", "svgtools","showtext", "revealjs", "CHNOSZ", "eChem",
"gsubfn", "ggpubr", "tippy", "wordcloud", "wordcloud2", "RColorBrewer", "readtext",
"quanteda", "Hmisc", "grImport2", "ggfortify", "forcats"))

  c("rstudio/DT", "JohnCoene/echarts4r", 
  "schochastics/graphlayouts", "rstudio/webshot2", "hafen/r2d3svg", 
  "rstudio/rmarkdown", "rstudio/bookdown", "rstudio/blogdown", 
  "rstudio/pagedown", "yihui/xaringan", "gadenbuie/xaringanExtra", 
  "juba/rmdformats", "swsoyee/r3dmol", "mwip/beautifyR", "emitanaka/anicon", 
  "rstudio/fontawesome", "mitchelloharawild/icons", "zachcp/chemdoodle", 
  "r-lib/ragg", "koenderks/aRtsy", "rstudio/distill", "rstudio/rticles", 
  "EvaMaeRey/flipbookr", "dreamRs/esquisse", "vankesteren/firatheme", 
  "thomasp85/tweenr", "cutterkom/generativeart", "marcusvolz/mathart", 
  "karthik/wesanderson", "coolbutuseless/poissoned", "renkun-ken/rlist", 
  "haozhu233/kableExtra", "romainfrancois/rap", "UrbanInstitute/urbnmapr", 
  "moldach/vapoRwave", "rstudio/learnr", "solarchemist/R-common", 
  "solarchemist/periodicdata", "glin/reactable", "lchiffon/wordcloud2", 
  "EdwinTh/dutchmasters", "emitanaka/anicon", "nanxstats/ggsci", 
  "garretrc/ggvoronoi", "andreaczhang/qtwAcademic", "kcuilla/reactablefmtr")

Packages currently installed from CRAN

isGithub <- function(pkg){

my_lib <-$result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

result <- sapply(my_lib$Package, isGithub)

df <- data.frame(package = names(result), github_or_not = result, 
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                              package github_or_not
abind                           abind         FALSE
ambient                       ambient         FALSE
anicon                         anicon          TRUE
animation                   animation         FALSE
antiword                     antiword         FALSE
anytime                       anytime         FALSE
aRtsy                           aRtsy          TRUE
AsioHeaders               AsioHeaders         FALSE
askpass                       askpass         FALSE
assertthat                 assertthat         FALSE
av                                 av         FALSE
backports                   backports         FALSE
base                             base         FALSE
base64enc                   base64enc         FALSE
beautifyR                   beautifyR          TRUE
BH                                 BH         FALSE
bigD                             bigD         FALSE
bio3d                           bio3d         FALSE
bit                               bit         FALSE
bit64                           bit64         FALSE
bitops                         bitops         FALSE
blob                             blob         FALSE
blogdown                     blogdown          TRUE
bmp                               bmp         FALSE
bookdown                     bookdown          TRUE
boot                             boot         FALSE
brew                             brew         FALSE
brio                             brio         FALSE
broom                           broom         FALSE
bslib                           bslib         FALSE
cachem                         cachem         FALSE
Cairo                           Cairo         FALSE
callr                           callr         FALSE
car                               car         FALSE
carData                       carData         FALSE
cellranger                 cellranger         FALSE
checkmate                   checkmate         FALSE
chemdoodle                 chemdoodle          TRUE
CHNOSZ                         CHNOSZ         FALSE
chromote                     chromote          TRUE
class                           class         FALSE
classInt                     classInt         FALSE
cli                               cli         FALSE
clipr                           clipr         FALSE
cluster                       cluster         FALSE
codetools                   codetools         FALSE
colorspace                 colorspace         FALSE
colourpicker             colourpicker         FALSE
common                         common          TRUE
commonmark                 commonmark         FALSE
compiler                     compiler         FALSE
concaveman                 concaveman         FALSE
confintr                     confintr         FALSE
conflicted                 conflicted         FALSE
corrplot                     corrplot         FALSE
countrycode               countrycode         FALSE
cowplot                       cowplot         FALSE
cpp11                           cpp11         FALSE
crayon                         crayon         FALSE
credentials               credentials         FALSE
crosstalk                   crosstalk         FALSE
crul                             crul         FALSE
curl                             curl         FALSE
data.table                 data.table         FALSE
data.tree                   data.tree         FALSE
datamods                     datamods         FALSE
datasets                     datasets         FALSE
DBI                               DBI         FALSE
dbplyr                         dbplyr         FALSE
deldir                         deldir         FALSE
desc                             desc         FALSE
devtools                     devtools         FALSE
diffobj                       diffobj         FALSE
digest                         digest         FALSE
distill                       distill          TRUE
downlit                       downlit         FALSE
downloader                 downloader         FALSE
dplyr                           dplyr         FALSE
DT                                 DT          TRUE
dtplyr                         dtplyr         FALSE
e1071                           e1071         FALSE
echarts4r                   echarts4r          TRUE
eChem                           eChem         FALSE
ellipsis                     ellipsis         FALSE
EnvStats                     EnvStats         FALSE
esquisse                     esquisse          TRUE
evaluate                     evaluate         FALSE
extrafont                   extrafont         FALSE
extrafontdb               extrafontdb         FALSE
fansi                           fansi         FALSE
farver                         farver         FALSE
fastmap                       fastmap         FALSE
fastmatch                   fastmatch         FALSE
fingerprint               fingerprint         FALSE
firatheme                   firatheme          TRUE
flexdashboard           flexdashboard         FALSE
flipbookr                   flipbookr          TRUE
fontawesome               fontawesome          TRUE
fontBitstreamVera   fontBitstreamVera         FALSE
fontLiberation         fontLiberation         FALSE
fontquiver                 fontquiver         FALSE
forcats                       forcats         FALSE
foreign                       foreign         FALSE
Formula                       Formula         FALSE
fresh                           fresh         FALSE
fs                                 fs         FALSE
gapminder                   gapminder         FALSE
gargle                         gargle         FALSE
gcookbook                   gcookbook         FALSE
gdtools                       gdtools         FALSE
generativeart           generativeart          TRUE
generics                     generics         FALSE
geometry                     geometry         FALSE
gert                             gert         FALSE
gfonts                         gfonts         FALSE
gganimate                   gganimate         FALSE
ggExtra                       ggExtra         FALSE
ggforce                       ggforce         FALSE
ggfortify                   ggfortify         FALSE
gggrid                         gggrid         FALSE
gginnards                   gginnards         FALSE
ggmap                           ggmap         FALSE
ggplot2                       ggplot2         FALSE
ggpmisc                       ggpmisc         FALSE
ggpp                             ggpp         FALSE
ggpubr                         ggpubr         FALSE
ggraph                         ggraph         FALSE
ggrepel                       ggrepel         FALSE
ggsci                           ggsci         FALSE
ggsignif                     ggsignif         FALSE
ggtext                         ggtext         FALSE
ggthemes                     ggthemes         FALSE
ggvoronoi                   ggvoronoi          TRUE
gh                                 gh         FALSE
gifski                         gifski         FALSE
git2r                           git2r         FALSE
gitcreds                     gitcreds         FALSE
glue                             glue         FALSE
googledrive               googledrive         FALSE
googlesheets4           googlesheets4         FALSE
graphics                     graphics         FALSE
graphlayouts             graphlayouts          TRUE
grDevices                   grDevices         FALSE
grid                             grid         FALSE
gridExtra                   gridExtra         FALSE
gridtext                     gridtext         FALSE
grImport2                   grImport2         FALSE
gsubfn                         gsubfn         FALSE
gt                                 gt         FALSE
gtable                         gtable         FALSE
haven                           haven         FALSE
here                             here         FALSE
highr                           highr         FALSE
Hmisc                           Hmisc         FALSE
hms                               hms         FALSE
hrbrthemes                 hrbrthemes         FALSE
htmlTable                   htmlTable         FALSE
htmltools                   htmltools         FALSE
htmlwidgets               htmlwidgets         FALSE
httpcode                     httpcode         FALSE
httpuv                         httpuv         FALSE
httr                             httr         FALSE
httr2                           httr2         FALSE
icon                             icon          TRUE
icons                           icons          TRUE
ids                               ids         FALSE
igraph                         igraph         FALSE
imager                         imager         FALSE
ini                               ini         FALSE
isoband                       isoband         FALSE
ISOcodes                     ISOcodes         FALSE
iterators                   iterators         FALSE
itertools                   itertools         FALSE
jpeg                             jpeg         FALSE
jquerylib                   jquerylib         FALSE
jsonlite                     jsonlite         FALSE
juicyjuice                 juicyjuice         FALSE
kableExtra                 kableExtra          TRUE
KernSmooth                 KernSmooth         FALSE
kknn                             kknn         FALSE
knitr                           knitr         FALSE
labeling                     labeling         FALSE
later                           later         FALSE
lattice                       lattice         FALSE
lazyeval                     lazyeval         FALSE
leaflet                       leaflet         FALSE
leaflet.providers   leaflet.providers         FALSE
learnr                         learnr          TRUE
lgr                               lgr         FALSE
lifecycle                   lifecycle         FALSE
linprog                       linprog         FALSE
lme4                             lme4         FALSE
lmodel2                       lmodel2         FALSE
lpSolve                       lpSolve         FALSE
lubridate                   lubridate         FALSE
magic                           magic         FALSE
magick                         magick         FALSE
magrittr                     magrittr         FALSE
mapproj                       mapproj         FALSE
maps                             maps         FALSE
markdown                     markdown         FALSE
MASS                             MASS         FALSE
mathart                       mathart          TRUE
Matrix                         Matrix         FALSE
MatrixModels             MatrixModels         FALSE
memoise                       memoise         FALSE
methods                       methods         FALSE
mgcv                             mgcv         FALSE
mime                             mime         FALSE
miniUI                         miniUI         FALSE
minqa                           minqa         FALSE
misc3d                         misc3d         FALSE
modelr                         modelr         FALSE
multcomp                     multcomp         FALSE
multcompView             multcompView         FALSE
munsell                       munsell         FALSE
mvtnorm                       mvtnorm         FALSE
ndjson                         ndjson         FALSE
nlme                             nlme         FALSE
nloptr                         nloptr         FALSE
nnet                             nnet         FALSE
nortest                       nortest         FALSE
numDeriv                     numDeriv         FALSE
openssl                       openssl         FALSE
packrat                       packrat         FALSE
pagedown                     pagedown          TRUE
parallel                     parallel         FALSE
patchwork                   patchwork         FALSE
pbkrtest                     pbkrtest         FALSE
pdftools                     pdftools         FALSE
periodicdata             periodicdata          TRUE
phosphoricons           phosphoricons         FALSE
pillar                         pillar         FALSE
pkgbuild                     pkgbuild         FALSE
pkgconfig                   pkgconfig         FALSE
pkgdown                       pkgdown         FALSE
pkgload                       pkgload         FALSE
plot3D                         plot3D         FALSE
plotly                         plotly         FALSE
plyr                             plyr         FALSE
png                               png         FALSE
poissoned                   poissoned          TRUE
polyclip                     polyclip         FALSE
polynom                       polynom         FALSE
praise                         praise         FALSE
prettyunits               prettyunits         FALSE
processx                     processx         FALSE
profvis                       profvis         FALSE
progress                     progress         FALSE
promises                     promises         FALSE
proto                           proto         FALSE
proxy                           proxy         FALSE
ps                                 ps         FALSE
purrr                           purrr         FALSE
qpdf                             qpdf         FALSE
quanteda                     quanteda         FALSE
quantreg                     quantreg         FALSE
R.methodsS3               R.methodsS3         FALSE
R.oo                             R.oo         FALSE
R.utils                       R.utils         FALSE
r2d3                             r2d3         FALSE
r2d3svg                       r2d3svg          TRUE
r3dmol                         r3dmol          TRUE
R6                                 R6         FALSE
ragg                             ragg          TRUE
randomForest             randomForest         FALSE
rap                               rap          TRUE
rappdirs                     rappdirs         FALSE
raster                         raster         FALSE
rcdk                             rcdk         FALSE
rcdklibs                     rcdklibs         FALSE
rcmdcheck                   rcmdcheck         FALSE
RColorBrewer             RColorBrewer         FALSE
Rcpp                             Rcpp         FALSE
RcppArmadillo           RcppArmadillo         FALSE
RcppEigen                   RcppEigen         FALSE
RcppParallel             RcppParallel         FALSE
RcppProgress             RcppProgress         FALSE
RcppTOML                     RcppTOML         FALSE
RCurl                           RCurl         FALSE
reactable                   reactable          TRUE
reactR                         reactR         FALSE
readbitmap                 readbitmap         FALSE
readODS                       readODS         FALSE
readr                           readr         FALSE
readtext                     readtext         FALSE
readxl                         readxl         FALSE
rematch                       rematch         FALSE
rematch2                     rematch2         FALSE
remotes                       remotes         FALSE
renv                             renv         FALSE
reprex                         reprex         FALSE
reshape2                     reshape2         FALSE
reticulate                 reticulate         FALSE
revealjs                     revealjs         FALSE
rgl                               rgl         FALSE
rglplus                       rglplus         FALSE
rglwidget                   rglwidget         FALSE
rio                               rio         FALSE
rJava                           rJava         FALSE
rjson                           rjson         FALSE
rlang                           rlang         FALSE
rlist                           rlist          TRUE
rmarkdown                   rmarkdown          TRUE
rmdformats                 rmdformats          TRUE
roxygen2                     roxygen2         FALSE
rpart                           rpart         FALSE
Rpolyhedra                 Rpolyhedra         FALSE
rprojroot                   rprojroot         FALSE
rsconnect                   rsconnect         FALSE
rstatix                       rstatix         FALSE
rstudioapi                 rstudioapi         FALSE
rsvg                             rsvg         FALSE
rticles                       rticles          TRUE
Rttf2pt1                     Rttf2pt1         FALSE
rversions                   rversions         FALSE
rvest                           rvest         FALSE
s2                                 s2         FALSE
sandwich                     sandwich         FALSE
sass                             sass         FALSE
scales                         scales         FALSE
scico                           scico         FALSE
selectr                       selectr         FALSE
servr                           servr         FALSE
sessioninfo               sessioninfo         FALSE
sf                                 sf         FALSE
shiny                           shiny         FALSE
shinybusy                   shinybusy         FALSE
shinydashboard         shinydashboard         FALSE
shinydashboardPlus shinydashboardPlus         FALSE
shinyjs                       shinyjs         FALSE
shinythemes               shinythemes         FALSE
shinyWidgets             shinyWidgets         FALSE
showtext                     showtext         FALSE
showtextdb                 showtextdb         FALSE
SnowballC                   SnowballC         FALSE
sourcetools               sourcetools         FALSE
sp                                 sp         FALSE
SparseM                       SparseM         FALSE
spatial                       spatial         FALSE
spData                         spData         FALSE
splines                       splines         FALSE
splus2R                       splus2R         FALSE
stats                           stats         FALSE
stats4                         stats4         FALSE
stopwords                   stopwords         FALSE
streamR                       streamR         FALSE
stringi                       stringi         FALSE
stringr                       stringr         FALSE
striprtf                     striprtf         FALSE
survival                     survival         FALSE
svglite                       svglite         FALSE
svgtools                     svgtools         FALSE
sys                               sys         FALSE
sysfonts                     sysfonts         FALSE
systemfonts               systemfonts         FALSE
tcltk                           tcltk         FALSE
terra                           terra         FALSE
testthat                     testthat         FALSE
textshaping               textshaping         FALSE                      FALSE
tibble                         tibble         FALSE
tidygraph                   tidygraph         FALSE
tidyr                           tidyr         FALSE
tidyselect                 tidyselect         FALSE
tidyverse                   tidyverse         FALSE
tiff                             tiff         FALSE
timechange                 timechange         FALSE
tinytex                       tinytex         FALSE
tippy                           tippy         FALSE
titrationCurves       titrationCurves         FALSE
tools                           tools         FALSE
translations             translations         FALSE
triebeard                   triebeard         FALSE
tweenr                         tweenr          TRUE
tzdb                             tzdb         FALSE
units                           units         FALSE
urbnmapr                     urbnmapr          TRUE
urlchecker                 urlchecker         FALSE
urltools                     urltools         FALSE
usethis                       usethis         FALSE
usmap                           usmap         FALSE
usmapdata                   usmapdata         FALSE
utf8                             utf8         FALSE
utils                           utils         FALSE
uuid                             uuid         FALSE
V8                                 V8         FALSE
vapoRwave                   vapoRwave          TRUE
vctrs                           vctrs         FALSE
vdiffr                         vdiffr         FALSE
viridis                       viridis         FALSE
viridisLite               viridisLite         FALSE
vroom                           vroom         FALSE
waiter                         waiter         FALSE
waldo                           waldo         FALSE
webchem                       webchem         FALSE
webshot2                     webshot2          TRUE
websocket                   websocket         FALSE
wesanderson               wesanderson          TRUE
whisker                       whisker         FALSE
withr                           withr         FALSE
wk                                 wk         FALSE
wordcloud                   wordcloud         FALSE
wordcloud2                 wordcloud2          TRUE
writexl                       writexl         FALSE
xaringan                     xaringan          TRUE
xaringanExtra           xaringanExtra          TRUE
xfun                             xfun         FALSE
XML                               XML         FALSE
xml2                             xml2         FALSE
xopen                           xopen         FALSE
xtable                         xtable         FALSE
xts                               xts         FALSE
yaml                             yaml         FALSE
zeallot                       zeallot         FALSE
zip                               zip         FALSE
zoo                               zoo         FALSE
df[result==FALSE, ]
                              package github_or_not
abind                           abind         FALSE
ambient                       ambient         FALSE
animation                   animation         FALSE
antiword                     antiword         FALSE
anytime                       anytime         FALSE
AsioHeaders               AsioHeaders         FALSE
askpass                       askpass         FALSE
assertthat                 assertthat         FALSE
av                                 av         FALSE
backports                   backports         FALSE
base                             base         FALSE
base64enc                   base64enc         FALSE
BH                                 BH         FALSE
bigD                             bigD         FALSE
bio3d                           bio3d         FALSE
bit                               bit         FALSE
bit64                           bit64         FALSE
bitops                         bitops         FALSE
blob                             blob         FALSE
bmp                               bmp         FALSE
boot                             boot         FALSE
brew                             brew         FALSE
brio                             brio         FALSE
broom                           broom         FALSE
bslib                           bslib         FALSE
cachem                         cachem         FALSE
Cairo                           Cairo         FALSE
callr                           callr         FALSE
car                               car         FALSE
carData                       carData         FALSE
cellranger                 cellranger         FALSE
checkmate                   checkmate         FALSE
CHNOSZ                         CHNOSZ         FALSE
class                           class         FALSE
classInt                     classInt         FALSE
cli                               cli         FALSE
clipr                           clipr         FALSE
cluster                       cluster         FALSE
codetools                   codetools         FALSE
colorspace                 colorspace         FALSE
colourpicker             colourpicker         FALSE
commonmark                 commonmark         FALSE
compiler                     compiler         FALSE
concaveman                 concaveman         FALSE
confintr                     confintr         FALSE
conflicted                 conflicted         FALSE
corrplot                     corrplot         FALSE
countrycode               countrycode         FALSE
cowplot                       cowplot         FALSE
cpp11                           cpp11         FALSE
crayon                         crayon         FALSE
credentials               credentials         FALSE
crosstalk                   crosstalk         FALSE
crul                             crul         FALSE
curl                             curl         FALSE
data.table                 data.table         FALSE
data.tree                   data.tree         FALSE
datamods                     datamods         FALSE
datasets                     datasets         FALSE
DBI                               DBI         FALSE
dbplyr                         dbplyr         FALSE
deldir                         deldir         FALSE
desc                             desc         FALSE
devtools                     devtools         FALSE
diffobj                       diffobj         FALSE
digest                         digest         FALSE
downlit                       downlit         FALSE
downloader                 downloader         FALSE
dplyr                           dplyr         FALSE
dtplyr                         dtplyr         FALSE
e1071                           e1071         FALSE
eChem                           eChem         FALSE
ellipsis                     ellipsis         FALSE
EnvStats                     EnvStats         FALSE
evaluate                     evaluate         FALSE
extrafont                   extrafont         FALSE
extrafontdb               extrafontdb         FALSE
fansi                           fansi         FALSE
farver                         farver         FALSE
fastmap                       fastmap         FALSE
fastmatch                   fastmatch         FALSE
fingerprint               fingerprint         FALSE
flexdashboard           flexdashboard         FALSE
fontBitstreamVera   fontBitstreamVera         FALSE
fontLiberation         fontLiberation         FALSE
fontquiver                 fontquiver         FALSE
forcats                       forcats         FALSE
foreign                       foreign         FALSE
Formula                       Formula         FALSE
fresh                           fresh         FALSE
fs                                 fs         FALSE
gapminder                   gapminder         FALSE
gargle                         gargle         FALSE
gcookbook                   gcookbook         FALSE
gdtools                       gdtools         FALSE
generics                     generics         FALSE
geometry                     geometry         FALSE
gert                             gert         FALSE
gfonts                         gfonts         FALSE
gganimate                   gganimate         FALSE
ggExtra                       ggExtra         FALSE
ggforce                       ggforce         FALSE
ggfortify                   ggfortify         FALSE
gggrid                         gggrid         FALSE
gginnards                   gginnards         FALSE
ggmap                           ggmap         FALSE
ggplot2                       ggplot2         FALSE
ggpmisc                       ggpmisc         FALSE
ggpp                             ggpp         FALSE
ggpubr                         ggpubr         FALSE
ggraph                         ggraph         FALSE
ggrepel                       ggrepel         FALSE
ggsci                           ggsci         FALSE
ggsignif                     ggsignif         FALSE
ggtext                         ggtext         FALSE
ggthemes                     ggthemes         FALSE
gh                                 gh         FALSE
gifski                         gifski         FALSE
git2r                           git2r         FALSE
gitcreds                     gitcreds         FALSE
glue                             glue         FALSE
googledrive               googledrive         FALSE
googlesheets4           googlesheets4         FALSE
graphics                     graphics         FALSE
grDevices                   grDevices         FALSE
grid                             grid         FALSE
gridExtra                   gridExtra         FALSE
gridtext                     gridtext         FALSE
grImport2                   grImport2         FALSE
gsubfn                         gsubfn         FALSE
gt                                 gt         FALSE
gtable                         gtable         FALSE
haven                           haven         FALSE
here                             here         FALSE
highr                           highr         FALSE
Hmisc                           Hmisc         FALSE
hms                               hms         FALSE
hrbrthemes                 hrbrthemes         FALSE
htmlTable                   htmlTable         FALSE
htmltools                   htmltools         FALSE
htmlwidgets               htmlwidgets         FALSE
httpcode                     httpcode         FALSE
httpuv                         httpuv         FALSE
httr                             httr         FALSE
httr2                           httr2         FALSE
ids                               ids         FALSE
igraph                         igraph         FALSE
imager                         imager         FALSE
ini                               ini         FALSE
isoband                       isoband         FALSE
ISOcodes                     ISOcodes         FALSE
iterators                   iterators         FALSE
itertools                   itertools         FALSE
jpeg                             jpeg         FALSE
jquerylib                   jquerylib         FALSE
jsonlite                     jsonlite         FALSE
juicyjuice                 juicyjuice         FALSE
KernSmooth                 KernSmooth         FALSE
kknn                             kknn         FALSE
knitr                           knitr         FALSE
labeling                     labeling         FALSE
later                           later         FALSE
lattice                       lattice         FALSE
lazyeval                     lazyeval         FALSE
leaflet                       leaflet         FALSE
leaflet.providers   leaflet.providers         FALSE
lgr                               lgr         FALSE
lifecycle                   lifecycle         FALSE
linprog                       linprog         FALSE
lme4                             lme4         FALSE
lmodel2                       lmodel2         FALSE
lpSolve                       lpSolve         FALSE
lubridate                   lubridate         FALSE
magic                           magic         FALSE
magick                         magick         FALSE
magrittr                     magrittr         FALSE
mapproj                       mapproj         FALSE
maps                             maps         FALSE
markdown                     markdown         FALSE
MASS                             MASS         FALSE
Matrix                         Matrix         FALSE
MatrixModels             MatrixModels         FALSE
memoise                       memoise         FALSE
methods                       methods         FALSE
mgcv                             mgcv         FALSE
mime                             mime         FALSE
miniUI                         miniUI         FALSE
minqa                           minqa         FALSE
misc3d                         misc3d         FALSE
modelr                         modelr         FALSE
multcomp                     multcomp         FALSE
multcompView             multcompView         FALSE
munsell                       munsell         FALSE
mvtnorm                       mvtnorm         FALSE
ndjson                         ndjson         FALSE
nlme                             nlme         FALSE
nloptr                         nloptr         FALSE
nnet                             nnet         FALSE
nortest                       nortest         FALSE
numDeriv                     numDeriv         FALSE
openssl                       openssl         FALSE
packrat                       packrat         FALSE
parallel                     parallel         FALSE
patchwork                   patchwork         FALSE
pbkrtest                     pbkrtest         FALSE
pdftools                     pdftools         FALSE
phosphoricons           phosphoricons         FALSE
pillar                         pillar         FALSE
pkgbuild                     pkgbuild         FALSE
pkgconfig                   pkgconfig         FALSE
pkgdown                       pkgdown         FALSE
pkgload                       pkgload         FALSE
plot3D                         plot3D         FALSE
plotly                         plotly         FALSE
plyr                             plyr         FALSE
png                               png         FALSE
polyclip                     polyclip         FALSE
polynom                       polynom         FALSE
praise                         praise         FALSE
prettyunits               prettyunits         FALSE
processx                     processx         FALSE
profvis                       profvis         FALSE
progress                     progress         FALSE
promises                     promises         FALSE
proto                           proto         FALSE
proxy                           proxy         FALSE
ps                                 ps         FALSE
purrr                           purrr         FALSE
qpdf                             qpdf         FALSE
quanteda                     quanteda         FALSE
quantreg                     quantreg         FALSE
R.methodsS3               R.methodsS3         FALSE
R.oo                             R.oo         FALSE
R.utils                       R.utils         FALSE
r2d3                             r2d3         FALSE
R6                                 R6         FALSE
randomForest             randomForest         FALSE
rappdirs                     rappdirs         FALSE
raster                         raster         FALSE
rcdk                             rcdk         FALSE
rcdklibs                     rcdklibs         FALSE
rcmdcheck                   rcmdcheck         FALSE
RColorBrewer             RColorBrewer         FALSE
Rcpp                             Rcpp         FALSE
RcppArmadillo           RcppArmadillo         FALSE
RcppEigen                   RcppEigen         FALSE
RcppParallel             RcppParallel         FALSE
RcppProgress             RcppProgress         FALSE
RcppTOML                     RcppTOML         FALSE
RCurl                           RCurl         FALSE
reactR                         reactR         FALSE
readbitmap                 readbitmap         FALSE
readODS                       readODS         FALSE
readr                           readr         FALSE
readtext                     readtext         FALSE
readxl                         readxl         FALSE
rematch                       rematch         FALSE
rematch2                     rematch2         FALSE
remotes                       remotes         FALSE
renv                             renv         FALSE
reprex                         reprex         FALSE
reshape2                     reshape2         FALSE
reticulate                 reticulate         FALSE
revealjs                     revealjs         FALSE
rgl                               rgl         FALSE
rglplus                       rglplus         FALSE
rglwidget                   rglwidget         FALSE
rio                               rio         FALSE
rJava                           rJava         FALSE
rjson                           rjson         FALSE
rlang                           rlang         FALSE
roxygen2                     roxygen2         FALSE
rpart                           rpart         FALSE
Rpolyhedra                 Rpolyhedra         FALSE
rprojroot                   rprojroot         FALSE
rsconnect                   rsconnect         FALSE
rstatix                       rstatix         FALSE
rstudioapi                 rstudioapi         FALSE
rsvg                             rsvg         FALSE
Rttf2pt1                     Rttf2pt1         FALSE
rversions                   rversions         FALSE
rvest                           rvest         FALSE
s2                                 s2         FALSE
sandwich                     sandwich         FALSE
sass                             sass         FALSE
scales                         scales         FALSE
scico                           scico         FALSE
selectr                       selectr         FALSE
servr                           servr         FALSE
sessioninfo               sessioninfo         FALSE
sf                                 sf         FALSE
shiny                           shiny         FALSE
shinybusy                   shinybusy         FALSE
shinydashboard         shinydashboard         FALSE
shinydashboardPlus shinydashboardPlus         FALSE
shinyjs                       shinyjs         FALSE
shinythemes               shinythemes         FALSE
shinyWidgets             shinyWidgets         FALSE
showtext                     showtext         FALSE
showtextdb                 showtextdb         FALSE
SnowballC                   SnowballC         FALSE
sourcetools               sourcetools         FALSE
sp                                 sp         FALSE
SparseM                       SparseM         FALSE
spatial                       spatial         FALSE
spData                         spData         FALSE
splines                       splines         FALSE
splus2R                       splus2R         FALSE
stats                           stats         FALSE
stats4                         stats4         FALSE
stopwords                   stopwords         FALSE
streamR                       streamR         FALSE
stringi                       stringi         FALSE
stringr                       stringr         FALSE
striprtf                     striprtf         FALSE
survival                     survival         FALSE
svglite                       svglite         FALSE
svgtools                     svgtools         FALSE
sys                               sys         FALSE
sysfonts                     sysfonts         FALSE
systemfonts               systemfonts         FALSE
tcltk                           tcltk         FALSE
terra                           terra         FALSE
testthat                     testthat         FALSE
textshaping               textshaping         FALSE                      FALSE
tibble                         tibble         FALSE
tidygraph                   tidygraph         FALSE
tidyr                           tidyr         FALSE
tidyselect                 tidyselect         FALSE
tidyverse                   tidyverse         FALSE
tiff                             tiff         FALSE
timechange                 timechange         FALSE
tinytex                       tinytex         FALSE
tippy                           tippy         FALSE
titrationCurves       titrationCurves         FALSE
tools                           tools         FALSE
translations             translations         FALSE
triebeard                   triebeard         FALSE
tzdb                             tzdb         FALSE
units                           units         FALSE
urlchecker                 urlchecker         FALSE
urltools                     urltools         FALSE
usethis                       usethis         FALSE
usmap                           usmap         FALSE
usmapdata                   usmapdata         FALSE
utf8                             utf8         FALSE
utils                           utils         FALSE
uuid                             uuid         FALSE
V8                                 V8         FALSE
vctrs                           vctrs         FALSE
vdiffr                         vdiffr         FALSE
viridis                       viridis         FALSE
viridisLite               viridisLite         FALSE
vroom                           vroom         FALSE
waiter                         waiter         FALSE
waldo                           waldo         FALSE
webchem                       webchem         FALSE
websocket                   websocket         FALSE
whisker                       whisker         FALSE
withr                           withr         FALSE
wk                                 wk         FALSE
wordcloud                   wordcloud         FALSE
writexl                       writexl         FALSE
xfun                             xfun         FALSE
XML                               XML         FALSE
xml2                             xml2         FALSE
xopen                           xopen         FALSE
xtable                         xtable         FALSE
xts                               xts         FALSE
yaml                             yaml         FALSE
zeallot                       zeallot         FALSE
zip                               zip         FALSE
zoo                               zoo         FALSE

Packages currently installed from Github

isGithub <- function(pkg){

my_lib <-$result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

result <- sapply(my_lib$Package, isGithub)

df <- data.frame(package = names(result), github_or_not = result, 
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df[df$github_or_not, ]
                    package github_or_not
anicon               anicon          TRUE
aRtsy                 aRtsy          TRUE
beautifyR         beautifyR          TRUE
blogdown           blogdown          TRUE
bookdown           bookdown          TRUE
chemdoodle       chemdoodle          TRUE
chromote           chromote          TRUE
common               common          TRUE
distill             distill          TRUE
DT                       DT          TRUE
echarts4r         echarts4r          TRUE
esquisse           esquisse          TRUE
firatheme         firatheme          TRUE
flipbookr         flipbookr          TRUE
fontawesome     fontawesome          TRUE
generativeart generativeart          TRUE
ggvoronoi         ggvoronoi          TRUE
graphlayouts   graphlayouts          TRUE
icon                   icon          TRUE
icons                 icons          TRUE
kableExtra       kableExtra          TRUE
learnr               learnr          TRUE
mathart             mathart          TRUE
pagedown           pagedown          TRUE
periodicdata   periodicdata          TRUE
poissoned         poissoned          TRUE
r2d3svg             r2d3svg          TRUE
r3dmol               r3dmol          TRUE
ragg                   ragg          TRUE
rap                     rap          TRUE
reactable         reactable          TRUE
rlist                 rlist          TRUE
rmarkdown         rmarkdown          TRUE
rmdformats       rmdformats          TRUE
rticles             rticles          TRUE
tweenr               tweenr          TRUE
urbnmapr           urbnmapr          TRUE
vapoRwave         vapoRwave          TRUE
webshot2           webshot2          TRUE
wesanderson     wesanderson          TRUE
wordcloud2       wordcloud2          TRUE
xaringan           xaringan          TRUE
xaringanExtra xaringanExtra          TRUE